In-line Editing is a quick way to edit a time record without having to use the Edit Time Record window.
However, In-line Editing is a subset of the Edit Time Record window, so not all editing options and features are available when in-line editing.
All In-line Editing is done by clicking on a highlighted time record and holding the mouse button down for a short period of time (approximately 1 second). The field available for editing is the field you clicked.
To edit a date or time value such as start date, start time, stop date, stop time, elapsed time, or paused time, click in the respective field. Hold the mouse down until an up and down arrow cursor appears.
Move the cursor up to increase the date or time values, or move it down to decrease the date or time values. Because In-line Editing is a subset of the Edit Time Record window, the “Adjust elapsed time” option is not available.
Tip: To increase the increment speed, hold down the Option key before you click on the field.
To edit a job such as a category, project, or client, click in the respective field. Hold the mouse down until a pop-up menu appears. Choose the job of choice, or select Edit… to add or edit the jobs.
Tip: To have the selection apply to all highlighted time records, hold down the Option key before you click on the field.
To change the color of a time record, click in the color column. Hold the mouse down until a pop-up menu appears. Choose the color of choice.
Tip: To have the selection apply to all highlighted time records, hold down the Option key before you click on the column.
To edit a text field such as the hourly rate, expenses, or notes, click in the respective field. Hold the mouse down until the field highlights. Type directly into the field to make changes. Press the Enter key or click anywhere outside of this field when you're finished editing.
To Mark or Unmark a time record, click in the Mark field. Hold the mouse down until the record toggles to either marked or unmarked.
Tip: To have the selection apply to all highlighted time records, hold down the Option key before you click on the field.